School: Yep, this will be a good one. Didn't happen until last period of the day though. Class found out the teacher is gay and he has a boyfriend, big fucking deal. Well, apparently these other people thought he wasn't serious and kept asking making a big deal out of it. So, one time they did i butted in and said does it really matter? Of course they are ghetto and was like who was talking to you. Replied it doesn't matter cause i got freedom of speech. Basically bickered back and forth and how in the bible it says gay means you go to hell, well guess what, i don't believe in god so fuck that. Also friend that was helping me in this fight kept saying hate the sin not the sinner and wouldnt get it. Like, they are complete idiots, one even said, and i quote "guy with guy is not good, guy with girl is good, girl with girl is good" I got majorly pissed at that bullshit. In the end, they even threatened to fight me cause of it and also i was pumped full of adrenaline cause of how pissed i was. Also, sorry for not doing everything proper, i can't correct every little mistake.
Art: Same old same old, worked with clay, got bit more done, so yep.
Afterwards: Watched the movie Hunt to Kill, its an alright movie, so yeah, go watch it.


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