Listen, today, today wasn't my day. It was shit with shit, plus some shit on it. I don't want to restate any of it, so today, this is all you get. Sorry.





Hmmm, haven't been here in a while, oops. Also its a Sunday, hmm, odd as well. Well, I haven't been here cause I have either been too busy playing PS3, sleeping, or other things, my bad. Also I have been slightly depressed and confused and I know, it's a blog where i post my emotions and all that bull shit, but this is like, super private so I can't just put it here. Also that thing over there(>>>), I'm done with that system, I'm just gonna put shit how I like it. Also being the Art thing is over for now and its just school and afterwards, seems pointless to me right now. :P Now where to start, hmm, well, I will get back to posting. Got shit load of art to upload. Saw tall and beautiful yesterday after about 2 weeks of not seeing her, I missed her a lot. Watched Lord of the Rings for the first time, all of time, extended, in a row. Holy shit talk about a shit load. I need to watch them again to understand it. Ummmm..... Thats about all I got, o well, see you tomorrow
No weekend posts? Look at side. >>>

Nothing big really. Same old same old. AH, this is boring with nothing special to say, sorry people.
Worked on the fish more, added dorsal fin and a fin on the other side. If you are wondering what fish and what the hell I'm talking about, look in Art above. ^^^ But, its going good, I wont be able to finish it this tri-mester of the art program but in January it will be finished. Also sorry I will not be adding pics of it with other fins then what you can see right now cause i didnt take my camera. Also my companion cube was fired and i get to glaze it Friday, i will bring my camera that day for sure!
Went to find a game shop in the city of my place, was told where one was at, never trust an idiot, let me tell you that, especially a full out annoying idiot. But anyways went to McDonalds after the search got some food then went home. By the way, if anybody that does read this, not sure if anybody does, is like McDonalds is bad and fattening, I don't give a shit, its food, i barley get any during school, and I'm starving, when I'm like that, food is food! But yeah, highlights of my day, pretty boring, right?

Side note
I will be adding poetry very soon!

School: Yep, this will be a good one. Didn't happen until last period of the day though. Class found out the teacher is gay and he has a boyfriend, big fucking deal. Well, apparently these other people thought he wasn't serious and kept asking making a big deal out of it. So, one time they did i butted in and said does it really matter? Of course they are ghetto and was like who was talking to you. Replied it doesn't matter cause i got freedom of speech. Basically bickered back and forth and how in the bible it says gay means you go to hell, well guess what, i don't believe in god so fuck that. Also friend that was helping me in this fight kept saying hate the sin not the sinner and wouldnt get it. Like, they are complete idiots, one even said, and i quote "guy with guy is not good, guy with girl is good, girl with girl is good" I got majorly pissed at that bullshit. In the end, they even threatened to fight me cause of it and also i was pumped full of adrenaline cause of how pissed i was. Also, sorry for not doing everything proper, i can't correct every little mistake.
Art: Same old same old, worked with clay, got bit more done, so yep.
Afterwards: Watched the movie Hunt to Kill, its an alright movie, so yeah, go watch it.


R & R



No school today so slept in till 12:000 pm.
No School means no art.
Had to clean for a little for this Saturday. Then just been a couch potato most of the day. So yeah, very short blog today, yippee hooray. 
To make this simple I will split these up into sections, mostly two, School, and Afterwards. Pretty simple and make easier for me to process thoughts. Oh yeah, this art program I do after school, I will just put that as Art, also, these will go in order, if you don't understand, you'll see soon.

Simple, except early in morning had a certain problem. Let's just say I sometimes hate feelings towards people. But anyways, was simple easy, same as same.
I have 3 classes of a week with this and they are all ceramics. Except today, my ceramic class was in the computer area cause we had to print out design for our pieces. Being I only had one piece the teacher handed me a piece he made to put design on, so did that then went on youtube fore the rest of time. Sounds like it would take like 10-20 minutes right? Nope. There was talking to friends. Also didn't help when a beautiful tall with short black hair girl walked in. Seeing her just makes my day. Yep, that was it for the digital area. Wait, you wanna know more bout the girl(breaking the fourth wall D:), well, too bad, youll learn later on.
Came home to relaxation. Had pizza for dinner and watched the movie Grown-Ups. Just to let you know, great movie. Fully recommend it. But yeah, other then that, thats all I did. 
Today was my birthday, turned 16, but unlike most kids I still have to go to school, well,day was normal except for the few happy birthdays and such and few hugs I got extra then usual. Some reason today felt bleh though, like worse then other days. Anyways it went on and such, same school day, got home, same as usual there as well. Now later on the real fun starts. My dad, who for some reason loves to creep on people's face books and such which is annoying as ever. My photos I was tagged in was his victim today, joy. Found one where me and my sister were tagged in and got in depth conversation about how much he sucks, and this all happened late July during summer vacation. Reason me and her, mostly her, were saying this, was that he would have us work when he left for work and not allow to sleep in during our summer vacation, so, of course we were pissed and that was how we ranted about it. He got pissed from reading it which sent him and my sister into an annoying fight. It just annoys me that he has to read every little thing I do and such. So yeah, privacy equals non-existent to him.